All Real Estate Options, Inc.

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My top 10 favorite apps for my Real Estate business.

With all the choices of apps we have access to, it may be pretty overwhelming to choose the best what apps  and how they can help you with your real estate business. To make it a little easier I've compiled a list of my top 10 tried and loved apps for you. (I have an iPhone)

  1. Inbox for gmail. - This app (and desktop too) allows you to "snooze" your emails until the day you need them. I cannot tell you how much this helps me for time management. 
  2. MileIQ - I've never been able to track my miles so effortlessly. With just a swipe to the left or the right I can categorize my trip as business or personal and even add notes, so if I was ever to be audited I have the information organized and handy. Plus my CPA says this is the way to go! 
  3. Hellosign - The interface and customer service is why I chose them out of so many digital signature companies. Everything is so easy, is month to month, and one of the least expensive. 
  4. eKEY - This app sure makes it easy on me to open lockboxes, shackles, and assign lockboxes with ease from the comfort of my iPhone. 
  5. Waze - With the help of our community, this app provides a way for us to share what's happening on the road with each other from potential ticket spots to traffic jams to road hazards and more. 
  6. Podcasts - We spend a lot of time in our cars driving around. Especially working in Jacksonville, the biggest city landmass wise in the continental United States. I love to listen to a good Podcast that helps me work on my business. 
  7. Reminders - I cannot tell you how often I use this to remember to call a customer back at a certain time or even pick up milk on the way home. Our business has us constantly has us going in so many directions and this is such a great task saver. 
  8. Twitter - So, everyone most likely knows about this, but in 140 charaters or less I can find out so much that's going on in the community and easily tell others what's up too! 
  9. Bank account App - There's something so powerful to me about being in charge of my money and telling it where to go like Dave Ramsey teaches! 
  10. Messages - While I do think there is still such a need for a phone call, I love being able to send a quick text to someone asking a question, letting them know where I am, can I come pick up the paperwork, etc. Definitely one of my favorites!

Contact All Real Estate Options, Inc. for more effective ways to run your business and save you time at 904-292-4182 or contact Melissa directly at 904-347-4696. 

Melissa Rigdon is the Broker and President of All Real Estate Options, Inc. with almost 15 years of real estate experience. She specializes in residential real estate and helping agents run their businesses. Connect with All Real Estate Options, Inc. on Twitter at @areoinc